T1 - T2 - T3 - T4 - T5 - T6 - T7 - T8 - T9 - T10 - T11 - T12 - T13 - T14 - T15 - T16 - T17 - T18 - T19 - T20 - T21 - T22 - T23 - T24 - T25 - T26 - T27 - T28 - T29 - T30 - T31 - T32 - T33 - T34 - T35 - T36 - T37 - T38 - T39 - T40 - T41 - T42 - T43 - T44 - T45 - T46 - T47 - T48 - T49 - T50 - T51 - T52 - T53 - T54 - T55 - T56 - T57 - T58 - T59 - T60 - T61 - T62 - T63 - T64 - T65 - T66
- The Magokoro Brothers
- The Main Level
- The Maisonettes
- The Majority
- The Makaha Sons
- The Make
- The Malone Brothers
- The Maloy Brothers
- The Mambo Surfers
- The Man-Eating Tree
- The Manatees
- The Maneken
- The Manfreds
- The Manhattan Skyline Quartet
- The Manhattan Syndrome
- The Manor
- The Maple Room
- The Mar-Keys
- The Marathons
- The Marbits
- The Marc Atkinson Trio
- The Mariachi Brass
- The Mariner's Children
- The Mariners
- The Marketts
- The Married Monk
- The Mars Volta
- The Marshes
- The Martenitsa Choir
- The Marty Paich Orchestra
- The Marty Warburton Band
- The Mary Janes
- The Mary Nixons
- The Maryrose Artifact
- The Mascots
- The Masked Marauders
- The Master Musicians of Jajouka
- The Master Musicians of Joujouka
- The Master's Apprentices
- The Masters Apprentices
- The Masters of Music Big Band
- The Mastersounds
- The Matinée
- The Matinee
- The Matt Catingub Big Band
- The Mauna Malahini Islanders
- The Maxwell Implosion
- The Maynard Ferguson Big Band
- The Maynard Ferguson Sextet and Orchestra
- The Maytals
- The McCalmans
- The McCormick Brothers
- The McCoy Tyner Trio
- The McCrary's
- The McKameys
- The McPeak Brothers
- The MDH Band
- The Meat Purveyors
- The Medicine Show
- The Meemies
- The Meeting House
- The Meeting Tree
- The Mega Kids
- The Megatones
- The Mel Cooleys
- The Mel-Tones
- The Melismatics
- The Mello Men
- The Mellomen
- The Mellonaires
- The Mellow
- The Mellowmen
- The Mellowmen Orchestra
- The Melodic
- The Members
- The Membranes
- The Memories
- The Memories Attack
- The Memphis Boys
- The Memphis Horns
- The Memphis Strings
- The Memphis Symphony Orchestra
- The Menheads
- The Menlove
- The Mercury Tree
- The Merrymakers
- The Merrywoode Singers
- The Method Actors
- The Metric Droid
- The Metronome All-Stars
- The Metronomes
- The Metropolitan Music Ensemble
- The Metz Family
- The MG's
- The MGM Studio Orchestra & Chorus
- The Michael O'Neill Quintet
- The Mickey Finn
- The Micronauts
- The Middle Floor
- The Midiri Brothers
- The Midnight Strings
- The Midniters
- The Mighty Blue Kings
- The Mighty Diamonds
- The Mighty Fine
- The Mighty Marvelows
- The Mighty Strinth
- The Mighty Tubadours
- The Mighty Wah!
- The Migil 5
- The Migrants By Play Paul
- The Mike Hennessey Chastet
- The Mike Owen Woodland Jazz Band
- The Milennium Jazz Orchestra
- The miles project
- The Millennium Dance Party All-Stars
- The Miller Orchestra
- The Milligan Connection
- The Million (The)
- The Millionaires
- The Millionares
- The Ministry of Sound
- The Minor Canon
- The Mint Juleps
- The Minus One
- The Miracals
- The Mire
- The Mirettes
- The Mirimar Disaster
- The Missing Links
- The Missingmen
- The Mission
- The Mission 120
- The Mission Discrict
- The Mississippi Kings
- The Missourians
- The Mistakeman
- The Mistletoe Organ & Chimes
- The Mitchell Trio
- The Mitchell-Ruff Duo
- The Mitchell-Ruff Trio
- The Mitchells
- The Mix
- The Mixologists
- The Mizell Brothers
- The Moaners
- The Mob Law
- The Mock Heroic
- The Mockingbirds
- The Modern Day Saint