- Vimala
- Vimms Vocalists
- Vin Bruce
- Vin Del Grande
- Vin Diesel
- Vin Gordon
- Vin Jay
- Vin'S
- Vinaigrettes (The)
- Vinapra
- Vinícius Cantuária
- Vinícius de Moraes
- Vinícius Storari
- Vinca Minor
- Vincè
- Vince Bell
- Vince Callaher
- Vince Charles
- Vince DiMartino
- Vince Eager
- Vince Ebo
- Vince Ector
- Vince Edward
- Vince Freeman
- Vince Gill
- Vince Guaraldi
- Vince Harder
- Vince Johnson
- Vince Kidd
- Vince Neil
- Vince Pierri
- Vince Staples
- Vince Taylor
- Vince the Kid
- Vince Vaccaro
- Vince Vance & The Valiants
- Vince Yara
- Vince.
- Vincent Absil
- Vincent Baguian
- Vincent Bell
- Vincent Bigler
- Vincent Black Shadow (The)
- Vincent Bueno
- Vincent Delbushaye
- Vincent Delerm
- Vincent Ernst
- Vincent Gallo
- Vincent Gross
- Vincent John
- Vincent Jourde
- Vincent Lagaf
- Vincent Léoty
- Vincent Leoty
- Vincent Liben
- Vincent Lima
- Vincent Lindon
- Vincent Lopez
- Vincent Malin
- Vincent Martini
- Vincent Mason
- Vincent Minor
- Vincent Neil Emerson
- Vincent Niclo
- Vincent Peirani
- Vincent Powell
- Vincent Price
- Vincent Venet
- Vincent Vincent And The Villains
- Vincent Vinel
- Vincenzo
- Vincenzo Bles
- Vincenzo Cairo
- Vincenzo Cantiello
- Vincenzo Capua
- Vincenzo Da Via Anfossi
- Vincenzo Di Bella
- Vincenzo Fasano
- Vincenzo Ficicchia
- Vincenzo Incenzo
- Vincenzo Junior
- Vincenzo Pastano
- Vincenzo Riso
- Vincenzo Spampinato
- Vincha
- Vincint
- Vindaloo Summer Special
- Vindicatio
- Vindictiv
- Vindictives (The)
- Vindit
- Vindsval
- Vines (The)
- Vineyard UK
- Vingadora
- Vinh Khuat
- Vini Gomes
- Vini Vici
- Vinia Mojica
- Vinicio Capossela
- Vinila Von Bismark
- Vinjoe
- Vinka
- Vinnie Brigante
- Vinnie Caruana
- Vinnie Dollar
- Vinnie Ferra
- Vinnie Paz
- Vinnie Vincent Invasion
- Vinny Tucceri Jr.
- Vino
- Vino Alan
- Vins
- Vinss
- Vintage Caravan (The)
- Vintage Culture
- Vintage Culture, Constantinne & Felten
- Vintage Culture, Selva & Lazy Bear
- Vintage Imperial
- Vintage Reggae Soundsystem
- Vintage Revolver
- Vintage Trouble
- Vintage Vegas
- Vintage Vinyl (The)
- Vinterland
- Vinterriket
- Vintersorg
- Vinvè
- Vinx
- Vinyette
- Vinyl Addicts (The)
- Vinyl Candy
- Vinyl Dharma
- Vinyl Dial
- Vinyl Kings (The)
- Vinyl Sun
- Vinyl Theatre
- Vinyl Trees (The)
- Vinylgroover
- Vinylos (The)
- Vinyls (The)
- Vio-lence
- Vio/Mire
- Viogression
- Viola
- Viola Beach