- 116 Intro Testo
- Act Out Testo
- All Is Bright Testo
- Amped Testo
- Angels Testo
- Begin With The End Testo
- Beyond Belief Testo
- Break It Down (1 Corinthians) Testo
- Breathe In Breathe Out Testo
- Carry Mine Testo
- Cash Or Christ (Fanatics) Testo
- Church Boyz Testo
- Dig In Testo
- Evolution Testo
- Fanataics Testo
- Get Loose Testo
- Gospel Music (Romans) Testo
- Hurr They Come Testo
- I See The Lord Testo
- Impressed Testo
- Impressed Interlude Testo
- In Ya Hood Testo
- Instructions (1 Timothy) Testo
- It's Yours (2 Timothy) Testo
- Joy Testo
- Justified (Galatians) Testo
- Keep The Faith (1 Thessalonians) Testo
- Kingdom People Testo
- Let No Man (Colossians) Testo
- Love Song Testo
- My City (Ephesians) Testo
- No More Testo
- Noel Testo
- Nothing But You Testo
- O' Come Testo
- Real Love Testo
- Red Revolution Testo
- Send Me (Represent) Testo
- Silent Night Testo
- Sound (Titus) Testo
- Stand Strong (2 Thessalonians) Testo
- Stand Up Testo
- Stand, Walk, Dance Testo
- Streets Testo
- Take Em Back (Philemon) Testo
- Thanking You Testo
- This Christmas Testo
- This Is My Heart (2 Corinthians) Testo
- To Live Is Christ (Philippians) Testo
- Trip Lee Interlude Testo
- We Three Kings Testo
- What A Time Testo