- Genere: Metal
4 Tounges Strong
Sky Burial - Aurora Borealis
Bone Brigade
A Funeral Romance
- 4 Tounges Strong
- Sky Burial - Aurora Borealis
- Bone Brigade
- A Funeral Romance
- Diabolic
- Hammered
- The Bitteraftertaste
- Reckoning Day
- Pipeyard Killings
- Burned
- Rage Out Of Silence
- Duct Tape Story
- Nightmares
- Demon Dealer
- Butcher's Bill
- Of Sins Sublime - Koldborn
- Two Bullets
- Creature Of The Middle East
- Boogie
- Razorblade - Gurd
(2005) -
Checkpoint 4 - Split
(2003) -
Demon Dealer