A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody [From the Great Ziegfeld]
Cosi Cosa
Alone [From a Night at the Opera]
Cosi Cosa [From a Night at the Opera]
- A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody [From the Great Ziegfeld]
- Cosi Cosa
- Alone [From a Night at the Opera]
- Cosi Cosa [From a Night at the Opera]
- My Foolish Heart
- Donkey Serenade [From the Firefly]
- Alone
- Tomorrow Is Another Day [From a Day at the Races]
- A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody
- I'll Be Seeing You
- Don't Blame Me
- The One I Love (Belongs to Somebody Else)
- Donkey Serenade
- The One I Love [From Everybody Sing]
- The Donkey Serenade [#]
- Blue Venetian Waters [From a Day at the Races]
- The Donkey Serenade [From the Firefly]
- The Donkey Serenade/Giannina Mia (Reprise) [From the Firefly]
- The Donkey Serenade
- You're Breaking My Heart