- Componenti:
Morgan King, Nick Hook
- Det Glemte Riket
- Born In Flames
- Malkavian Twilight
- Exu
- Det Glemte Riket
- Born In Flames
- Malkavian Twilight
- Exu
- Eerily Howling Winds
- Out In The Haunted Woods
- Homage to Pan
- The Call Of The Absu Deep
- 5
- The Draining
- Likferd
- Cry of Mariamne
- Trolltaar - 2000
- Nattens Skjønnhet
- Morte El Potere
- Blackeyes
- Huldradans
- Eerily Howling
- Cosmic Exile
- The Arctic Mirage
Night Visit
(2004) -
God Loves The Dead Ep
(2001) -
Proxima Centauri