- Testo
- -Blindly Gazing Into The Burning Horizon...- Testo
- Another Name For Garbage... Testo
- Automatized Cyborg Death Testo
- Born To Conform... Testo
- Burn!!! Corona Burn!!!... Testo
- Decapitron Frenzy Of Frustration Decapitations... Testo
- Even Those That Live Like Gods Shall Die Like Slaves... Testo
- Habitat For Hostility... Testo
- He Who Laughs Last,Dies Knowing That He Had The Last Laugh... Testo
- Human Racist Testo
- I Think I Started World War 9... Testo
- Idiot Ideology... Testo
- In Dependence... Testo
- Interlude...Cats Ate Her Face... Testo
- Kismet & Rancor... Testo
- Pissed Off Smile... Testo
- Shallow Perception... Testo
- The Inland Empire Strikes Back... Testo
- The Untimely Death Of Penis J.Cobblelip... Testo
- Using Pharmaceuticals To Enslave The Populace ... Testo
- You Are All Useless Bastards... Testo