- Componenti:
Johnny Whitney, Mark Gajadhar
- Cecilia And The Silhouette Saloon
- New York Slave
- Ambulance Vs. Ambulance
- Meet Me at the Waterfront After the Social
- Cecilia And The Silhouette Saloon
- New York Slave
- Ambulance Vs. Ambulance
- Meet Me at the Waterfront After the Social
- Jordan Billie Pets The Wild Horse's Mane
- American Vultures
- Rats And Rats And Rats For Candy
- Birth Skin/Death Leather
- God Bless You, Blood Thirsty Zeppelins
- Celebrator
- Every Breath Is A Bomb
- Vital Beach
- Crimes
- Street Wars/Exotic Foxholes
- Beautiful Horses
- Jordan Blilie Pets The Wild Horse's Mane
- Wolf Party
- This Adultery Is Ripe
- Lift The Veil, Kiss The Tank
- 1, 2, 3, 4 Guitars