- Componenti:
Alex Auburn,
Daniel Mongrain, Eric Langlois, Flo Mounier,Lord Worm,Mike DiSalvo
- Genere: Metal
- Voice Of Unreason
- Shroud
- Damned Draft Dodgers
- Dead And Dripping
- Voice Of Unreason
- Shroud
- Damned Draft Dodgers
- Dead And Dripping
- The Pestilence That Walketh In Darkness (Psalm 91:5-8)
- Two-pound Torch
- Lichmistress
- Serial Messiah
- Loathe
- Bound Dead
- Cold Hate, Warm Blood
- Adeste Infidelis
- Endless Cemetery
- Angelskingarden
- Born Headless
- The End
- Faceless Unknown
- Equivalent Equilibrium
- Pathological Frolic
- The Plagued
As Gomorrah Burns
(2023) -
(2012) -
The Unspoken King