- Genere: Metal
- Arch (Enemy) Misanthrope
- Blessed Through Misery
- Manufactured Insomnia
- Translucent Potency
- Arch (Enemy) Misanthrope
- Blessed Through Misery
- Manufactured Insomnia
- Translucent Potency
- Genocidal Maniac
- Above Lucium
- Terminal Now
- Silenced
- Wilting On The Vine
- War Born (Tri-adverserenade)
- Ovum
- Suberfuge
- Crystasis
- Just For A Second
- Slow
- Destruction / Restoration
- The Decider
- Exit Plan
- A Cold Devotion
- Indestructible Overdose
(2010) -
The Concealers
(2009) -
The Hinderers