- Genere: Metal
- Dies Irae (Amadeus)
- Living In A Nightmare
- Houdini's Great Escapade
- The Shadow Of The Nile
- Dies Irae (Amadeus)
- Living In A Nightmare
- Houdini's Great Escapade
- The Shadow Of The Nile
- The Hanged Man
- Cyrano Of Bergerac
- Bon Voyage!
- The Moon
- The Road Again
- The Sound Of The Blade
- Love From The Stone
- Mistery Of Goddess
- For Her
- Gabriel
- Halloween (Helloween)
- Abduction
- Mist In The Twilight
- Quest For The Eternal Fame
- The Night Of The Ages
- November 3023
Project X
(2015) -
Ars Musica
(2013) -
Ancestral Romance