- Genere: Metal
- Modulate
- Infected
- The Loss Of Motion Control
- Crawling Through Vile
- Modulate
- Infected
- The Loss Of Motion Control
- Crawling Through Vile
- Deserving Death
- Beyond The Margin
- Lost Euphoria Part II
- Craven Ablaze
- Reborn From The Radiance
- Fallout
- End Of Sight, End Of Fears
- When Stone Turns To Ash
- 2nd Sun Ascending
- Invoking The Impact
- Defects Of The Isolated Mind
- Solitude Reflected
- Soul Severance
- Chokedamp
- The Prophecy Unfolds
- Structural Deceit
Emission Phase
(2007) -
Portals To Uphobia
(2005) -
An Epic Defiance