Sathanas' Megalomania
Mandragora Officinarum
- Sathanas' Megalomania
- Seance
- Scolopendraarise
- Mandragora Officinarum
- Leizla
- Goatbreath
- Dodsrikets Fremtred
- Necrosaint Black Metal
- Demonic Order In The Eternal Fascist's Hall
- DJerve DJevel
- Avail The Autocrat Of Evil
- Beneath The Wings Of The Black Vomit Above
- A Life About My Sabbath
- For The Lust Of Darkness
- Witchboundator
- Zaredoo Knives Endows Thy Sight
- Silver Starlight
- The Deeds That Grasp To The Candle's Shade
- Whilst The Trident Spawn And Spectre
- Deep In The Pot Of Fresh Antøpodal Weave
(2007) -
Necromanzee Cogent
(2003) -
Trident Autocrat