- A Grave Of Thoughts Testo
- A Myth Testo
- A Witch Is Born Testo
- Abattoir Testo
- Ad Arma Ad Arma Testo
- Adimiron Black Testo
- Admirion Black Testo
- Angelwings And Ravenclaws Testo
- Before The Seventh Moon Testo
- Black Seared Heart Testo
- Bleeding The Blue Flame Testo
- Dark Poems Author Testo
- Deadlights Testo
- Death Enters Testo
- Death To Them All Testo
- Devil's Work Testo
- Devils Work Testo
- Devout Dementhia Testo
- Eater Of The Dead Testo
- End Ritual Testo
- Enearthly Loose Palace Testo
- Flames Of The Pit Testo
- Grenade Prayer Testo
- Introduction Testo
- Lead To The Pyre Testo
- Lord Of Flies Testo
- Made To Suffer Testo
- Malice Testo
- Manifestation Testo
- Master Satan Testo
- Midwinter Forest Testo
- Morningstar Testo
- Murder Testo
- New Blood Testo
- Night of the Serpents Judgement Testo
- Nights Of The Serpents Judgement Testo
- Nine Circles Of Torture Testo
- Nothing Deserves Worship Testo
- Pallbearer Testo
- Perfect Hate Testo
- Seed Of Man's Destruction Testo
- Seeds Of Mans Destruction Testo
- Shairak Rinnummh Testo
- Shairak-Rinnummh Testo
- She Who Loves The Flames Testo
- Silence The Earth Testo
- Slowly Being Poisoned Testo
- The Chariots That Carried Her to the Grave Testo
- The Conquering Of Hirsir Testo
- The Crucified One Testo
- The Dead Testo
- The Decision Testo
- The Eyes Of The Sun Testo
- The Killing Kind Testo
- The Mystical Play Of Shadows Testo
- The Pentagram Testo
- The Shivering Voice Of The Ghost Testo
- The Word Became Flesh Testo
- Through The Veils Of Darkness Testo
- To The Grave Testo
- Touched And Left For Dead Testo
- Trail Of Blood Testo
- Two Demons Eight Spirits Testo
- Unearthly Loose Palace Testo
- Unravel Testo
- Vinterriket Testo
- Vinterriket (Winter Realm Auf Schwedisch) Testo
- Werewolf Testo
- Winter Realm Testo
- Winter Realm (Englisch) Testo
- Worthy Exit Testo