- Age Old
- Ardor
- Asphalt
- Bearing Witness
- Biota
- Bride Above The Water
- Canidae
- Complete Works
- Concrete
- Confluence
- Conquerors Of The Useless
- Construction
- Control
- Copywritten
- Document
- Drowned In A Drought
- Eight
- Espionage
- Estate Sale
- Exchange
- Extreme Duress
- Incomplete Works
- Index
- Infinite Locality
- Infrastructure
- Laughter
- Loxodrome
- Margins
- Palimpsest
- Plastic Surgery
- Port Of Call
- Reduction
- Ruins
- Saltaye
- Scimitar
- Seperated At Birth
- Seperation Perfected
- Seven
- Shore Leave
- Six
- Southeast First
- Southwest Passage
- Substructure
- Sunlight
- The Custom Of The Sea
- The Force That Gives Us Meaning
- The Ocean Floor
- Traverse
- Unending Ache
- Weltstadt Los Angeles