- Componenti:
Noel Kemper, Paolo Deodato, Santiago Argento
The Gruesome Horror Begins
Voodoo Ritual
Enchanted Bodies
Lost In The Green Hell
- The Gruesome Horror Begins
- Voodoo Ritual
- Enchanted Bodies
- Lost In The Green Hell
- Last Men Alive
- Mondo Chelano (The Naked Truth)
- L'Aldila
- Malignant Virus Infection
- Grand Guignol Cannibale
- Cinema Verite Style
- Cannibal Freakout
- Savage Men... Savage Beasts
- Deep River Savages
- Zombie Wizard
- Somewhere At An Altar 2
- Jungles Of The Matto Grosso
- Bizarre Sacrifice
- Eaten Alive
- Prisoner Of The Cannibal God
- One More Victim
Teenage Giallo Grind