- Genere: Electronic , Hardcore
- Astral Rejection
- Brief Interviews With Hideous Men
- Unnamed Acoustic Song
- Astral Rejection
- Brief Interviews With Hideous Men
- Unnamed Acoustic Song
- Toxic
- HxC 2-step
- Cacafuego, Nuestra Señora De La Concepción!
- Excite Dyke
- Crank Dat Cavalry Boy
- Life Hertz
- Things That Rhyme With Orange
- Infinite Suck
- Kief Catcher
- Narcissismfof
- Crank That
- Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Beerholder
- Erectangles
- Four Years Foreplay
- My Paralyzed Brother Taps His Foot To This Beat
Caterpillar Sex
(2017) -
Astral Rejection
(2011) -
You Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter