- Genere: Metal
- Hyldeons Desinty (The Curse Of Azagath Pt. V)
- The Hunchback
- Rebellion Of The Unholy Mindfucked
- Hyldeon's Desinty (The Curse Of Azagath Pt. V)
- Hyldeons Desinty (The Curse Of Azagath Pt. V)
- The Hunchback
- Rebellion Of The Unholy Mindfucked
- Hyldeon's Desinty (The Curse Of Azagath Pt. V)
- Join The Circle Of Eternal Thoughts...
- The Stone Has Spoken...
- Souldrilled To Infernal Martyrism
- Civilizations Of The New Days
- The Mitgon Race (The Curse Of Azagath Pt. VI)
Infernal Martyrism