- A.S. Testo
- Behind The Screen Testo
- Braindead Testo
- Braindead Scum Testo
- Braindead/Scum Testo
- Built To Break Testo
- Chewed Up, Spit Out Testo
- Dead To Me Testo
- Don't Need You Testo
- Down Not Out Testo
- Giving Up, Giving In Testo
- Handed To You Testo
- I Blame You Testo
- Infected Testo
- Lessons Learned Testo
- Losing Streak Testo
- Lost For Words Testo
- MP Testo
- New Beginning Testo
- No One Cares Testo
- No Second Chances Testo
- Out(break)Tro Testo
- Pushed Aside Testo
- Regulator Testo
- Restless Minds Testo
- Sailin' On Testo
- Scum Testo
- Sick And Tired Testo
- Spit In Your Face Testo
- Square One Testo
- Strike Three Testo
- Supertouch Testo
- Test Of Time Testo
- Useless Testo
- Voices In My Head Testo
- Waste Of Space Testo
- Wasting Away Testo
- You Make Us Sick Testo
- You're A Waste Testo
- Your Time's Up Testo