- ...on The Razors Edge... Testo
- 1000x No! Testo
- 88 Seconds And Still Counting Testo
- Axe Of Men Testo
- Babylon Testo
- Back 2 Business Testo
- Beaver Patrol Testo
- Bubbles Testo
- Bulletproof Testo
- Can U Dig It? Testo
- Cape Connection Testo
- Captain Plastic Testo
- Chaos & Mayhem Testo
- Dance Of The Mad Testo
- Def Con One Testo
- Def.Con.One Testo
- Disguise Testo
- Eat Me Drink Me Love Me Kill Me Testo
- England's Finest Testo
- Equal Zero Testo
- Evelyn Testo
- Everything's Cool Testo
- Familus Horribilus Testo
- Fatman Testo
- Grebo Guru Testo
- Harry Dean Stanton Testo
- Hit The Hi-tech Groove Testo
- Hit The Hi-tech Groove (live) Testo
- Home Testo
- I Was A Teenage Grandad Testo
- I've Always Been A Coward Testo
- Ich Bin Ein Auslander Testo
- Ich Bin Ein Ausländer Testo
- Inject Me Testo
- Inside You Testo
- Intergalactic Love Mission Testo
- Karmadrome Testo
- Kick To Kill Testo
- Kiss That Girl Testo
- Let's Get Ugly Testo
- Lived In Splendour: Died In Chaos Testo
- Love Missile F1-11 Testo
- Mask Testo
- Medicine Man Speak With Forked Tongue Testo
- Menofearthereaper Testo
- Monogamy Testo
- Mother Testo
- Nightmare At 20,000ft Testo
- Nosebleeder Turbo Tv Testo
- Not Now James, We're Busy... Testo
- Oldskool Cool Testo
- Picnic In The Sky Testo
- Pop Will Eat Itself At Def Con One Testo
- Preaching To The Perverted Testo
- Pretty Pretty Testo
- Psychosexual Testo
- R.S.V.P Testo
- Radio Pwei Testo
- Razorblade Kisses Testo
- Ruff Justice Testo
- Satellite Ecstatica Testo
- Seek & Destroy Testo
- She's Surreal Testo
- She's Surreal (live) Testo
- Sweet Sweet Pie Testo
- The Fuses Have Been Lit Testo
- Their Law Testo
- There Is No Love Between Us Anymore Testo
- Token Drug Song Testo
- U.b.l.u.d. Testo
- Ugly Testo
- Underbelly Testo
- Very Metal Noise Pollution Testo
- Wake Up! Time To Die... Testo
- Wasted Testo
- Wasted (reprise) Testo
- Wise Up! Sucker Testo