- Componenti:
Chris Antoniou,
Kostas Tzanokostakis, Sotiris Vayenas, Spiros Antoniou
- Sangreal
- Persepolis
- Pyramid God
- Ophidian Wheel
- Sangreal
- Persepolis
- Pyramid God
- Ophidian Wheel
- Razor Blades Of Guilt
- Prometheus
- Burn
- Anubis
- Dictatorship Of The Mediocre
- The Eldest Cosmonaut
- Prototype
- Apocalypse
- Telescope
- Five-pointed Star
- Chasing The Chimera
- Mechanical Babylon
- Succubus Priestess
- Martyr
- Sunlight Moonlight
- Unbeliever
Modern Primitive
(2022) -
Codex Omega
(2017) -