- Alice In Vain
- Amuse
- Atomic
- Because Of You
- Bedhead
- Big Black Sun
- Blue Like You
- Breathe
- Car Into The Sea
- Cellophane
- Click...Off...Gone
- Delicious
- Dig.
- Dress Like Your Mother
- Factor 41
- Feeling Peaky
- Firecracker
- Glue Ears
- Good Luck Mr. Gorsky
- Hunch
- Inbetweener
- Lady Love Your Countryside
- Lie Detector
- Little Annie
- Look At You Now
- Miss You
- More Than I Do
- Motorway Man
- Nice Guy Eddie
- Nothing Is Changing
- Paradise Waiting
- Please Please Please
- Poor Flying Man
- Pyrotechnician
- Rollercoaster
- Romeo Me
- Sale Of The Century
- She's A Good Girl
- Shrinkwrapped
- Statuesque
- Stop Your Crying
- Superclean
- Swallow
- The Modern Age
- The Sun Also Rises
- Traffic Accident
- Twisted
- Vegas
- What Do I Do Now?
- You Got Me