- 88 Lines About 44 Simpsons Testo
- A Man Named Jayne Testo
- Aliens Just Don't Understand Testo
- All I Wanna Do Is Shoot Some Guns Testo
- Baby Got Brak Testo
- Back One Week To The Future Testo
- Bad Bad Boba Fett Testo
- Bart Simp Sun Testo
- Battlestar Rhapsody Testo
- Because I'm Jedi Testo
- Bender Roboto Testo
- Black Friday Testo
- Born To Lose Testo
- Bring The Joy Testo
- C'mon Ride The Bus Testo
- Christmas In Hogwarts Testo
- Cornholio Testo
- Cruis'n USA Testo
- Dementia Revolution Testo
- Fanboy Testo
- Fantastic Voyager Testo
- Frat Boys Testo
- Fruit Loops Testo
- Funny Man Testo
- Geeks of the Industry Testo
- Gettin' Giggity Wit It Testo
- God Bless Stephen Colbert Testo
- Gory Gory Hallelujah Testo
- Gowron Said Knock You Out Testo
- Gump Testo
- Hill Testo
- House Party At Arkham Asylum Testo
- Humpa Hound Testo
- I Am A Vamp Of Constant Sorrow Testo
- I Kissed A Squirrel Testo
- In The Line Again Testo
- Insane and the Brain Testo
- It Takes Who Testo
- Jello Shots Testo
- Jon Archer Testo
- Keanu Man Testo
- Kenny Was A Kid From South Park Testo
- KFC Bitch Testo
- KramerCostanza Testo
- MC Freberg Testo
- Murder Was The Play Testo
- My Baby's in Love with Jon Bermuda Testo
- My Name Is Fred Testo
- Mystery Science Theatre Picture Show Testo
- No Sleep Til Babylon Testo
- Pamela Testo
- Peter Parker Testo
- Quite A Man For An Al Fan Testo
- Ranma Saotome Testo
- Resistance Testo
- Rocky Horror Testo
- Snoopy The Dogg Testo
- Spam (Let The Pork Be Pork) Testo
- Spock Star Testo
- Star Wars Trilogy Homesick Blues Testo
- Stealing Like A Hobbit Testo
- Thank Q Testo
- The Doctor and William Testo
- The Geeks Come Out At Night Testo
- The Great Luke Ski Testo
- The Spongy Dance Testo
- Theme From Ash Testo
- Titanic Monday Testo
- Too Much Stuff Testo
- Trekkie Case Testo
- Use The Force Testo
- Vader Boy Testo
- Viva Las Nagus Testo
- Wannabe A Slayer Testo
- What's Up Spock? Testo
- Who Let The Frog Out? Testo
- Wilbur Robinson Testo
- Y.O.D.A. Testo
- You Don't Know Jack Testo
- You Might Be A Trekkie Testo